Where can I buy Grease Stripper?
You can buy Grease Stripper through this website.
Payment and Shipping
Is there a limit on how much I can order?
Yes. You may order up to 20kg of Grease Stripper product from our website. For orders larger than 20kg, please contact us directly.
Do you ship your products outside of Australia?
Yes! We are now shipping Grease Stripper internationally! Simply complete the order process as normal, selecting your shipping destination.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Paypal and Bank Transfer. For full payment details, refer to the instructions when you place your order.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
All orders are shipped via Australia Post. While we do provide an estimate of how long the shipping will take, we make no guarantees. Visit the Australia Post website for delivery estimates.
Australian Distributors for Grease Stripper urgently wanted for the following states and cities:
New South Wales, Sydney
Queensland, Brisbane
Northern Territory, Darwin
South Australia, Adelaide
Western Australia, Perth
Tasmania, Hobart and Launceston
Direct from the Australian manufacturer with full support.
Company in business since year 2000 and expanding.
For further information and enquiries please contact Richard by email at greasestripper@optusnet.com.au